I have come to love nap time.
Not my nap time (I'm an awful napper)...Camden's.
It just gives me a chance to 1)rejuvenate 2) get a few things done 3) occasionally regain my sanity
So, when the little man decides to forgo his nap I get 4)none of the above.
That = no bueno.
Yesterday I had Camden and London for our weekly baby-swap. Obviously he did not want to nap for fear of missing out on fun with his buddy.
I understood and (somewhat) patiently dealt with his semi-fussy afternoon, all the while thinking that he would just take a longer nap later.
Unfortunately, that nap did not happen either.
Brecca and I went to run a few errands (in preparation for Camden's first Birthday!)
and neither one of the kids was in a good mood...good things we can laugh about everything...including our children screaming in the store, in the back seat, in the strollers
To make a long story short, I VERY much enjoyed my hip hop and yoga classes tonight.
There was no crying.
And when I got home, I was a much more pleasant mommy.
I have decided that all children take wonderfully long naps in heaven.
when I was a mother of one I literally had a melt down when Easton didn't nap!!! It was SO stressful to me...especially when I was pregnant with Lincoln. Thankfully I'm not AS stressed out when that happens now, but it is still not fun! I'm with you...all children must take amazing naps in heaven (or are they just never fussy and perfect anyways???) :D