Wednesday, November 7, 2012

you know it's fall when

 The General Relief Society broadcast is here...
and you have a VIP connection, so you get to ride in the tunnels via cart!
(I honestly couldn't help but giggle!)

 Brecca's sis-in-law snapped this secret shot of President and Sister Monson.
 Aren't they so cute?
The speakers were incredible. I really needed to hear Sister Burton's talk. Sometimes hearing the basic principles of the Atonement can be just what is needed to get out of a rut. Since the gospel has always been a part of my life, sometimes I think I take it for granted...and almost entitled. I'm definitely going to be working on that.

You switch over your seasonal wardrobe...
and happen to stumble upon a box of grandma's jewelry. I have really loved accessorizing with these makes me feel somehow close to a woman I never knew.
Franken Berry can be found in the cereal isle...
my day just got that much better! Oh! The sugary goodness :)

The windows are open (because the temperature happens to be perfect), the kids are napping at. the. same. time. (miracles do happen!), and this is my backyard view.
Of course I snatched that moment to myself--

Fall is by far my favorite season. And nothing makes it better than being able to hang out with these little men all day! Turner is the cutest, smiliest, chunk there is. and Camden is so witty and charming. Together, they are quite the pair.


  1. You switch out your jewelry based on the season??? I don't even have a large enough wardrobe to switch it out...let alone jewelry! :)

  2. hehe i love those pics of your boys! And President Monson and his wife! So cute.
