Friday, November 30, 2012

voting, dance party, birthday

election day.
so much American pride.
no matter which candidate ends up being president for the next 4 years, I'm pretty proud just to live in this country and have the right to vote.
seriously, awesome.
can you say Gangnam style?
if you can't tell by this series of photos, Camden also loves the PSY hit.
a must-have contribution to all of our dance parties.

 Lucy's birthday bash.
I offered to whip up some cake balls using this super deceptively easy pan.
and they turned out like this...
good thing that wasn't a sign of things to come!
the rest of our party planning day when fairly smooth...only a few child meltdowns.

Love putting events together with this one.
even if they are semi-chaotic and crazy.
would we really have it any other way?

a little bit of Idaho

these (somewhat blurry, and sort of awful) snapshots are all from a weekend trip to Idaho.
blissfully playing with toys at Gma and Gpa Nelson's.
laughing hysterically and cousin Devan.
foam pit at mommy's old gymnastics stomping grounds.
lessons on the guitar.
naptime with daddy.
I failed on the picture front, but if you read between the photos, you'll see that we spent a lote of time playing with cousins, cooking delicious food (thanksgiving & thai), and just being together. Idaho is laid back. and it's always nice to mix it up for a change :)

Halloween Happenings

a mini photo catastrophe shoot with the littles from the hood.
we live in such a fun neighborhood! these girls are so great :)
Turner and his litte buddy Sebastian (they are only 1 month apart!) are so cute together. Sebastian, was quite intrigued with Turner's hair..and Turner couldn't be happier having all sorts of attention.

Camden had his little heart set on being Dash, so I decided we'd make it a family affair!
Home made costumes are harder than they seem... this may be the one and only year I attempt to make our own. Although I think Camden's excitement and gratitude may have been enough motivation to take on more endeavors in the future :)

Halloween night was a whirlwind of events.
We met at the farm for Laura Lee to open her mission call (Paris, France!), then trick-or-treating, followed by chili and treats with friends.
and now I get to enjoy Camden's Halloween candy!

Happy Halloween!
from the Incredibles

Monday, November 26, 2012

recent adventures

Turner's first pumpkin plinko.
zoo filled afternoon.
we headed to the zoo with our friends Nina and Jude-- it was a beautiful day!
and perfectly planned...we pretty much had the place all to ourselves.
we took our sweet time and really got to know the animals...
or at least Camden did.

we also gave in and rode the carousel.

helping daddy carve a pumpkin.
man, this kid was excited!
he could not wait to make his pumpkin turn into a jack-o-lantern.

he was so pleased with the outcome, and was so sad when we had to throw it away after Halloween...I think he was scarred for life. he still talks about it everytime he sees a pumpkin.

my breakfast as of late... diet coke and halloween candy.
a well-balanced diet, wouldn't you say?

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Dear Camden,
Tomorrow you will be three years old.
How that went by so fast, I'll never know.  I remember our first night together in the hospital, with daddy sleeping just feet away, I held you, and wondered what your little personality would be like.
Now I know you are the most energetic, talkative, sweetest little boy.
You are so smart! sometimes a little too smart...
You are a lover. Hugs and kisses all the time. I sure hope you never get sick of me asking for kisses! You also adore your baby brother, and it melts me to see you run into his room after naptime to see if he is awake.
or when you help sing "take me out to the ballgame" when he cries.
You love to sing and dance--your current favorites are gangnam style, t swift (yes, you call her that), the boy song (neon trees) and the man song (mulan).
You are so incredibly friendly. You make friends everywhere we go.
that could possibly be because you say the funniest things. I am always laughing at your hilarity. You also have quite the imagination. I love to sit across the room and watch you play with your toys...I've noticed you sing them songs and sometimes put them in time out, then carefully explain they are in time out because they weren't being nice.
You are a little mischievous...when I am frustrated with you, you immediately call me out. "your not mad, mommy! you're a good guy, not a bad guy!"
you are a sweet talker, and a deal maker. You often propose a plan, and then ask to shake on it. You are a boy after your own daddy's heart...a sports lover.
and I am perfectly ok with that.
dear boy, you are wonderful. you make me so much happier than I ever imagined possible.
I am so lucky to be your mama.
love doesn't even begin to cover it.
but that's all I can think of... I love you, little man.

Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pumpkin Plinko 2012

 my very favorite fall tradition!
this year the weather was perfect.
the new ghost game was hilarious! I may or may not have a few bruises still lingering.

always happy that no one ever volunteers me for the pie-eating/chug...

let them roll!

Ryan was a little too involved in manning the event to participate on the team level, so I was the lone ranger

Can't wait til next year!

*all photos courtesy of Brecca