5 years later.
2 little boys. (#2 is almost here!)
4 places we've lived in.
1 mortgage.
1 dog.
a lot of adventures.
and I still consider myself the lucky one.
I'm not sure what I was thinking at 18 when I met Ryan. I was so not going to be that girl. (the one that goes to BYU and meets her husband 2 months into the first semester...)
but it's not every day that you meet a guy like Ryan, and he runs away with your heart.
5 years ago I made the best decision...an eternal one at that. I'm happy to say that eternity still doesn't seem long enough.
Our celebratory evening was a disaster!
Last time we were in San Fran, I saw this awesome little (incredibly romantic) restaurant right off the wharf. I told Ryan that it would be the perfect place to come for a special occasion, so when he knew our anniversary would be in San Francisco, he made reservations.
While we were waiting for the boat to take us there, I started feeling a little seasick. Turns out, the restaurant is floating. No good for my prego self.
So we walked down the pier...didn't have cash to purchase a diet coke, stopped for the most expensive (disgusting) gourmet chocolate, ordered equally disgusting hot chocolate and dessert from an organic cafe (should have known), and ended our alone time with a walk down the most romantic pier (complete with twinkle lights).
Nothing went right, and everything was perfect.
I think that is what a good marriage is all about :)
Happy 5th Anniversary, Ryan-- I can't wait to see where the next 5 years take us!
haha, that is so how it goes most of the time. It doesn't matter when you're with your best friend though :) Love all the new posts. Your belly is so cute!! I am so excited for you!