Friday, February 18, 2011

During the storm

A few weeks ago, my mom came to visit.
It was the last week of January, and I needed help with one of my January goals.
Who better to help than my mamacita?
(really, if you know her, there is no one better)
There we were, inside, nice and snug, when it started snowing.
and snowing. and snowing.
We took full advantage.

Camden thought he would try out the fuffy white snow--Rookie.
I only eat snow when it is covered in vanilla and sugar :)
He will soon learn the ways of his always-hyped-up-on-sugar mama
Memo might still hate us for making him ride in the sled...

Best Buds.
A good storm.


  1. what did you do to poor memo? he doesnt even look like himself!
    cute pics of camden in the snow!!

  2. It was fun playing in the snow. Camden had a lot of fun. I still feel bad that Memo had such a short haircut.
