You can never really have too much fun.
I strongly believe in that statement.
Especially after a fun filled day for our last in AZ.
After exploring all the trains and their full glory, we had a small egg hunt for the kids.
They had a blast! Especially when it came time to show off their loot.
Camden didn't realize they were eggs, but he sure had fun finding the "balls" that were hidden all around...
We met all the cousins that currently live in Arizona, at Amazing Jake's (which is this awesome chuckie cheese/boondocks sort of place)
We rode all the rides... numerous times.
Played laser tag. Go karts. Bumper cars. Train rides. and of course, ate.
Ryan and Scott even tried Dance Dance Revolution. And honestly, they were good.
It was a lot of fun for us to see all the cousins in Arizona!
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