As I was contemplating the day ahead and making out my trusty "To Do" list this morning,
it occurred to me... Am I planning my life away? (More like listing, but you get the point)
The thought wouldn't leave me alone.

So I thought of people I know who also make a lot of plans.
My best friend, Brecca, is one of them.
She has plans every night of the week! She is always looking into fun things and events coming up and planning to attend or experience them. What a life huh? No laziness whatsoever involved... I envy it.
A few months ago she came to me and said that planning was becoming too overwhelming for her husband who wanted an occasional quiet (unplanned) night at home... but she couldn't do it.
She said that lack of planning made her feel as though she is wasting her life.
huh. I had never thought of it that way.
I helped her come up with a solution to being able to compromise, all the while I was thinking
Hey, I need to do more! That's my problem.
So, this fall I set out to plan more, do more with my time, and really, just not be lazy and sit at home.
Surprisingly, it was easy! It was fun! We did so many fun fall things that I love, and I didn't miss out on anything, or have the thought of "why didn't I do that?"
On a separate, but somehow totally related note, have you ever heard the phrase "Not to put feathers in their hat"-- before a compliment is given?
I have. And fore some reason, it has always bothered me a bit.
Why wouldn't you want to put feathers in someone's hat?
It would give credit where credit is due.
I think we should all have lovely hats full of feathers, so to speak.
So, I am going to put a feather in her hat...Brecca's fresh outlook on life has directly inspired me to do more, experience more, and plan.
However, I really really like my "To do" lists...
Maybe I will just try to relax them a bit. Not color code them by priority?
I think that's a start :)