Sunday, March 10, 2013

ostrich festival

ever heard on an ostrich festival?
i hadn't either.
turns out it is a lot like a fair...only instead of a rodeo, they do ostrich races.
 Camden and I crawled in and got seats right next to the action.
it was awesome!

 after the races, we rode some rides and took our sleepy travelers back to the hotel.

breaking up spring

we take full advantage of Ryan's teaching schedule.
life is a little crazy from November to March (basketball season), and spring break is the perfect time to unwind and rejuvenate. and we did just that.
our week began with a night at the cabin, and a quick stop in St George for some sweets at Judd's candy store.

 we stopped in Vegas for some pizza at Grimauldi's...
Ryan, Charles and Camden went to the LMU vs. Gonzaga basketball game, while Turner, Annie and I did some birthday shopping!
 then we made the long drive to Phoenix.
our hotel was conveniently located within walking distance of a dunkin donuts, so we just had to have donuts for breakfast most mornings. (did I mention this was a Judd trip?)

Ryan and I love watching Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives, and have adapted a little tradition on vacations where we research restaurants in the area based on the show.
hasn't led us astray yet!
this time we had delicious fish tacos at Los Taquitos.

 then off to our first (or many) baseball games!
the world baseball classic:
USA vs. Canada
Camden impressed all the fans outside the stadium while we waited for the game to start.
he has a serious swing.

 slathering on sunscreen, basking in the sweet sunshine, and cheering on the US of A...

Thursday, March 7, 2013

birthday week

growing up, my mom always made our birthdays a really big deal.
streamers adorned the kitchen, she made each of us a special cake, our choice of meals, and the day was completely ours. 
i always felt to loved.
now, since my mom doesn't live close enough to carry on the tradition, I luckily have amazing friends and family that make me feel just as loved!

the night before my birthday, Annie took me out for a kick-off celebration!
we went to lunch at the grand america--
 and had some delicious dessert...high society right there.

 after our dinner, I went to the Relief Society activity "Favorite Things".
my friends, Christine & Nina had a lot to do with the event. the activities and entertainment were so much fun, and the decorations (courtesy of Nina) were fantastic!
on my actual birthday, I spent the morning getting pampered, 
then got to have lunch (sans children) with Brecca! 
20 birthdays together...madness eh?
 after lunch I cam home to the sweetest surprise.
a clean house, streamers (not quite pegs nels style, but she'd be proud), and gifts that were hidden by Camden.
his favorite game to play right now is "hotter and colder", so he got a kick out of helping me find the hidden gifts.

 after the kiddos went to bed, Ryan and I got to go out on a birthday date to one of my favorite restaurants (the Dodo)
I got to ring in year 26 with sweet gestures, cards, and calls from friends and family and spend the day with people most near and dear to my heart.
what a great tradition!

Friday, March 1, 2013

bubbles, rico suave, and favorite things

there's nothing like a lazy morning filled with mischief and bubbles.
am I right?

 blasting off to the moon.
(his exact words)
I wish I could have the imagination and care free ways of a 3 year old...
 don't worry, Camden is rico suave.
we were shopping with my mom, and Camden insisted on wearing his sunglasses.
next thing I know, he is standing on the pillar, mimicking the mannequins. pose and all.
love this kid. he's a lady killer. and a great shopping buddy.
 one of our very favorite things is play dates with these hoodlums.
this one involved a morning of cooking, followed by rewards at the sweet tooth fairy.
 cupcakes, diet coke, and your bff-- 
a perfect play date :)