growing up, my mom always made our birthdays a really big deal.
streamers adorned the kitchen, she made each of us a special cake, our choice of meals, and the day was completely ours.
i always felt to loved.
now, since my mom doesn't live close enough to carry on the tradition, I luckily have amazing friends and family that make me feel just as loved!
the night before my birthday, Annie took me out for a kick-off celebration!
we went to lunch at the grand america--
and had some delicious dessert...high society right there.
after our dinner, I went to the Relief Society activity "Favorite Things".
my friends, Christine & Nina had a lot to do with the event. the activities and entertainment were so much fun, and the decorations (courtesy of Nina) were fantastic!
on my actual birthday, I spent the morning getting pampered,
then got to have lunch (sans children) with Brecca!
20 birthdays together...madness eh?
after lunch I cam home to the sweetest surprise.
a clean house, streamers (not quite pegs nels style, but she'd be proud), and gifts that were hidden by Camden.
his favorite game to play right now is "hotter and colder", so he got a kick out of helping me find the hidden gifts.
after the kiddos went to bed, Ryan and I got to go out on a birthday date to one of my favorite restaurants (the Dodo)
I got to ring in year 26 with sweet gestures, cards, and calls from friends and family and spend the day with people most near and dear to my heart.
what a great tradition!